How your proximity to perfect will determine YOUR success. PLUS: 8 KEYS TO A WORLD CLASS Environment

Our proximity to something typically determines our level of performance. 

The closer we pursue perfection, understanding we can only get close, the better we will perform. 

There are sayings, “birds of a feather flock together”, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”, “you attract what you are, not what you want”, “the student has become the teacher”, “it’s not what you know but who you know”, etc. 

Why are high performers always hanging out together?

Why are wealthy people friends with other wealthy people? 

Why do homeless people all hang out in the same place?

Why do athletes hang out with other athletes?

Why do dogs look like their owners? 


But really...

All these have something in common: they are results of proximity. 

Webster’s dictionary defines proximity as: nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation.


In order to be world-class at anything, to be the best at something, it is a must to be surrounded by others who want the same thing and are doing the work to be world-class. 

World-class requires an environment to thrive in. 

The environments of top performers have several things in common regardless of industry. 

  1. Coach(es)- honest and high standards, challenging, accountability, wants you to win

  2. Attention to detail

  3. Support- family, friends, fans, trusted people

  4. Growth mindset

  5. Creation or changing of habits

  6. Desire to work

  7. Goals

  8. Freedom within the environment

We all enter this world as flawed.  

I want to be clear, we can never be “perfect”. 

We can only be close. 

God, in all His perfection, created us in His image, with free will. The first humans chose sin. 

We have been born flawed. 

Not perfect and perfect will never happen. 

Accept it. 

Don’t beat yourself up for falling short of God’s glory. 

Appreciate the fact we get to pursue perfect every day. 

But how close we get is our choice. 

We determine our actions each and every moment. 

Modern psychology says on average we each make about 35,000 choices per day. 

That’s a lot. 

Most we do mindlessly, habitually, and without any thought or consideration. 

Awareness of this fact is the starting point in improving any area of your life. 

A great place to go next is to observe the choices we make.

Followed by learning why we do them. 

Then finally changing the old and replacing with the new. 

That is the easy part. 


Sometimes it can be daunting and even downright depressing to look honestly in the mirror and realize where we are in life. 

If you have ever felt that way, I am with you. 

Know you’re not alone, we all have. 

The good news is, you are able to change. 

Your thoughts are in your control. 

God gives us free will. 

We are never hopeless. 


There is always hope and it’s up to us to see it. 

Now, are you ready? 

Here’s a challenge for you.

Ask yourself this: how can I? 

This question will refresh your mind, it will open your eyes to the possibilities and solutions to the suffering you currently feel. 

Our minds are amazing magnets and they find exactly what we program them to find. 

Many people complain about the situation they’re in. 

Often because of who is around them. 

They continue to ask the wrong questions. 

Start asking yourself better questions. 

Ask how can I? 

Ask why do I? 

The answers to these questions are often the source of our suffering. 

Many people suffer in their lives because of the decisions they make and the company they keep. 

Even suffering itself is a choice. No matter the environment we find ourselves in we get to choose how we frame it in our mind. 


Pursuing Perfect is hard. 

It is not the easy path. 

If you want an easy life, frankly, go somewhere else. 

There’s a saying, “Do what is hard and life will be easy; but do what is easy and life will be hard.” 

We choose to live a disciplined life so we have freedom. 

We choose to do the hard right over the easy wrong. 

We choose to pursue perfection. 

Thanks for reading! 

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If you want to pursue perfect with us:


Pursuing Perfect #3: Relationships… the good, the bad, and the marshmallow… Level up your relationship game to level up your life


Pursuing Perfect #1