Pursuing Perfect #1


Pursuing Perfect


Hello and welcome to the pursuit. 

I am so happy you’re here.

If you’re here we have something in common.

We both love to win.

We both learn from losing.

We both are pursuing the best version of ourselves.


I call it “pursuing” because “pursuing” is a verb.


A pursuit can be defined as a vocation or profession.

Something we all have in common.

We all have a profession; it’s called life. 

We all live it.

We all make decisions.

We all think thoughts.


This is a unifying pursuit, and not easy to do alone.


Pursuing Perfect is not a perfect person; they do not exist and are not possible for us mere humans to attain.

There are, however, people who pursue perfect. 

They are the top performers. 

They are stay-at-home moms, Uber drivers, teachers, police officers, real estate moguls, athletes, politicians, entrepreneurs, factory workers.

In short;

They are people.

They are people who want to be the best at what they do, take personal responsibility, and seek ways to become the best version of themselves every day.


Many people may criticize the name of this and say it isn’t healthy or it is dangerous or harmful to pursue perfection. 


I agree it can be. 

But, I disagree because this pursuit is NOT about comparing yourself or your life to somebody else. 

It is about you, and the competition with you. 

Personal responsibility.

Personal freedom.

Self esteem.

Self belief. 

Self confidence.

Once you are able to take care of yourself. Only then, can you be self-less enough to help others.

On an airplane they always tell you, in case of emergency, put YOUR oxygen mask on first, THEN (once you have taken care of yourself) you can help others around you, if need be.


I heard someone say once, being self-less is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less, and the only way to do that is by first taking care of your needs and desires. This is about creating and offering the tools for you to do so. 

I am here to help you pursue perfect in your life and be the absolute best version of you, you can be, so in turn you can help others do the same.


My vision is to create a community of people who are all pursuing perfect. 

People who want to be the best at what they do and look for ways to perform at their best.

People who act and love the pursuit.

People who enjoy the process of improvement and make mistakes.

People who are flawed and take responsibility.

People who strive to make today better than yesterday.



“Pursuing” is a verb. Because it is ACTION and it is ATTITUDE. 

And it is constantly adapting, shifting, and changing.

These are the only two things we are in full control of.


Which for some of us can be a hard pill to swallow… GUILTY.


Pursuing Perfect is not catching; pursuing is ‘the chase’. 

The running of a race, not the medal when you cross the finish line. 

The process and the result should motivate us.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best and be recognized for our hard work and dedication. 

But it is more than just that.

This means perfect never ends, you can never hold it, you may touch it but that’s the thing about “perfect”, we as humans will never hold it. 

We cannot, we are flawed beings. We all fall short. 


I use we because we are all part of one family. 

The human family. 


How your proximity to perfect will determine YOUR success. PLUS: 8 KEYS TO A WORLD CLASS Environment