Pursuing Perfect #5: FAILURE, FEAR, and FAITH. And why we need all 3 to win.

Failure is something we all encounter. Everyday we ALL fail. 


DO NOT let highlights on social media fool you... 

Every single human has bad days, moments, and periods of life. 


The question I find myself asking is:

Why do some people continue failing in the same ways, OVER AND OVER AGAIN? 

While others, fail forward and end up achieving and living a life of satisfaction, health, wealth, love, abundance, and fulfillment?

Why do some people seem to grow past their failures while others seem to fail over and over again in the exact same ways?

Faith is an answer I keep coming back to. 

Faith is why people live a life of satisfaction, health, wealth, love, abundance, and fulfillment.


Fear is the other answer. 

Fear is the reason people stagnate, and continue to face and fail the same challenges day in and day out. 

They’re ALL necessary in our lives. 

Faith is complete confidence in someone or something. 

Sometimes we need faith in someone of a higher level than ourselves. 

Sometimes we are in a state where we do not have confidence in ourselves. 

It’s a state of mind called fear. 


Fear is the opposite of faith. 

They cannot live in the mind at the same time. 

Fear is a device of the devil. 

It controls our minds. Which inevitably controls our words, attitude, and actions. 

All these things determine how our lives are created. 

Faith is choosing to act in a way without seeing the guarantee of a result but the expectation of a result. 

Fear is too. 

Both create results. 

Remember, light is not possible without darkness.

We must have fear in order to benefit from faith. But it’s up to us which one we use.

When we decide to live in faith we choose confidence. 

When we think, speak, and act in confidence our lives become better. 

When we acquire wisdom, through our own or someone else’s experience, we can be confident. 

We can listen to, AND TRUST, someone who has in life what we desire, it means trusting they have our best interests in mind and they want to genuinely help us. 

This takes faith. 

This takes bravery. 

This takes courage. 

It means sacrificing your fears to build your life on your terms. 

It means trust. 

It means love. 

Recognize things may not work out perfectly the way you envision them. 

In fact, expect them to NOT work out the way you envision them. 

You may experience grand disappointment, pain, and hardship. 

But know, living in faith leads. Living in trust and love develops you into the man or woman God envisions you to become. 

God’s timing is always perfect. 

We acquire this wisdom through what we call hindsight. 

We can look back at how everything worked out and realize we had to go through the trials and tribulations we went through to become the best version of ourselves to overcome the challenges we currently have before us. 


Overcoming adversity develops confidence in life. 

In order to do so, we must act in faith first. 

It is important to recognize fear for what it is: the devil working. The devil is trying to win the war in your mind when you feel and experience fear. 

When you feel this fear, you can do two things allow it to grow and develop into the stifling monster it is. 


Silence it by acting in the direction of your faith. 

Act in the direction of your goals, your dreams, your desires. 

It is natural to feel uncomfortable when you first do this. 

It is natural to feel awkward and a bit uneasy when you start acting and making decisions in life based in faith. 

This is good. 

You are building yourself when you feel this. 

You are becoming. 

You are enabling yourself to become better. 

You are proving to yourself that you’re in control of your own mind. 

You are thinking and acting freely. 


Fear grips a large majority of the population. 

It is the reason you’ll hear, “negativity sells”. 

This is why the news is always a source of destruction. 

The news is based in fear, under the cover of “informing the people”. 

Do not be fooled. 

It holds you back from realizing YOUR God given potential. 

We all have the spirit of faith inside us. 

Endowed by God.

I believe in pursuing perfect, in pursuing God. 

Knowing we will never attain it. 

We must choose to live in faith. 

That little voice in our head bringing us closer to our dreams, we call faith, I believe is God. 

Just as fear is the devil. 


God wants to see us be good. 

It makes God happy when we succeed and attain the desires of our hearts because we can glorify Him with it. 

We can be proof FAITH WORKS. 

And faith without works is truly dead. 

It has been reported that 90% of news is negative. 


We should probably not fill our brains with that...

Go on a news fast. 

Do it for a week. 

Don’t watch any news for 1 week. 

See how you feel. 

Do you act more and fear less?

Do you have more confidence? 

Do you feel more stable?

Most likely you will!

In fact, I’ll go ahead and guarantee you will feel more energized, you will feel healthier and happier. 

You will feel a renewed sense of faith in your life. 

We all live in faith or fear, and really it is a broader perspective that includes both. 

It is order within chaos, and it is chaos within order. 

Choose to live in faith and development of self esteem and confidence follows. 


It will be uncomfortable.

It may even be painful. 

But for those who want to pursue perfect, chase God, and develop the achievement muscles we have been gifted. 

We cannot allow the devil to control our minds through fear. 

We must live in FAITH, chasing God and pursuing perfect. 


Pursuing Perfect #6: ILLUSION OF CHOICE. Why we overthink and how to ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM LIFE


Pursuing Perfect #4: Hope, suffering, and solutions. Why we can always choose…