Pursuing Perfect #6: ILLUSION OF CHOICE. Why we overthink and how to ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM LIFE

Learn to be decisive and WIN.

An act or instance of selecting an option, this is the definition of choice. 

We as humans think a lot. 

We have countless thoughts every day. 

We dream. 

We contemplate. 

We think. 

We visualize. 

We imagine. 

We create scenarios. 

We tell ourselves stories. 



And we do all of these things without awareness we are actually doing it. 

Kind of ironic, huh?

We think without thinking. 

Are you like me, if you were on trial would you be found guilty of overthinking in life? 

Overthinking and underacting. 

I have been guilty many many times. 

The reason, USUALLY is because of an illusion. 

I call it the illusion of choice. 

It stems from a foggy vision of what we truly want or desire in life. 

When we have a foggy vision. 

We are uncertain on what to do with our energy and decision making because we feel we have so many choices and options in life. 

When I have suffered from overthinking it’s usually because I feel overwhelmed and even sometimes excited by the variety of options in front of me. 


I am wrong. 

The problem is not which choice to make, the problem is an unclear vision of what I truly want. 

When you have clarity on what you want, decisions are easy. 

Decisions make themselves. 

You just act. 

You just do. 

But it has to start with a very clear image of what you want and desire. 

This is why visualization is so powerful. 

Let me use a visual for what I mean. 

If you decide you want something very specific, say, a brand new custom ordered, polar white, Mercedes AMG G 63 SUV with black wheels and a saddle brown Nappa leather interior, there is only one place you can go to order this... mbusa.com. 

Therefore you have no choice, it’s just a decision. 

You don’t have to sort through a million different places to find this vehicle. 

You go to one place. 

There’s only one choice. 

One option. 

But the reason is because we are very clear on what we want, the vision is clear.

Laser like focus. 

Therefore decision making is easy. 

We don’t suffer from overthinking or procrastination. 

The problem with many people is they have no idea what they really want. 




I heard a wise man once say, a man without vision is like a ship without a rudder.

A man without a clear picture of what he wants out of life will aimlessly wander and be at the mercy of the world. 

He will never become what he is capable because he will just coast. 

He is not plotting his course. 

He is not moving with purpose. 







All of these diseases of the mind begin and perpetuate because of a lack of vision. 

We need a dream. 

We need a goal. 

We need a plan. 

With a dream, a goal, and a plan, we can then just execute. 

We simply act. 

No need to “choose” because we know what we want and we just have to do the action to get it. 

It’s very interesting to see when people have a dream, a goal, and a plan how quickly their lives change. 

How much happier they become thanks to the renewed purpose. 

The simplicity of decision making. 

I want to encourage you, yes you, to be real with yourself right now. Stop reading this and come back later. 

I want you to close your eyes and think about what you deeply desire your dream life to look like. 

What do you want most in life? 

If you could live a 10/10 lifestyle TODAY, what does it look like? 

Now, think about what you have to DO to create THAT LIFE. 

Do you have to change?

Do you need new friends?

Do you need a new attitude?

Do you need money and resources?

Do you need to move? 

Do you need to eat better?

Do you need to sleep better?

Ask yourself these questions, right now!

And write down your answers. 

Share them with 3 of the most trustworthy and truly supportive people you know. 

Tell them what you truly desire with excitement and optimism. 

Inspire someone with YOUR vision!


When we speak where we are going OUT LOUD it forces our brains to find a solution to get there. 

Many times when we have been burned or embarrassed in life because we didn’t do what we said we would do. 


For some reason things didn’t work the way we said they would, we begin to go into a dangerous place. 

This place is where we make “silent promises” to ourselves to avoid embarrassment or ridicule if things don’t work. 

We then let ourselves off the hook, “silently”, falling into bad habits and poor routines. 

The improvements we look to make in life come when we have integrity with ourselves. 

When we do what we say and say what we do. 



The reason you don’t have everything you want or promised yourself, is because you lack integrity with yourself. 

Don’t get mad at me. 

Just understand you can change it. 

But in order to change you have to make a change. 

This change most likely means being held accountable. 

Maybe by someone else you trust. 

But high level performers do not stay accountable solely to themselves. 

They have coaches, they have mentors, they have trusted confidants. 

We have and need a circle of people we trust will tell us the truth. 

Not what we WANT to hear. 


What we NEED to hear. 


These are people who have our best interests in mind and they know where we want to go and want to help us get there. 

If you currently don’t have someone like this, and you want to achieve big things, you need to find people who will hold you accountable and be honest with you. 

They are the ones you need by your side. 

Achievement of lofty dreams and goals is not an individual sport. 

It’s a team sport. 

Don’t be fooled when people act like a lone wolf and say they have achieved great success by themselves. 

It is a lie. 

Nobody achieves anything of significance by themselves. 

All great achievement happens because of a team effort. 

A dedicated team effort. 

One person may get the glory, but they should never receive all the credit. 

And if they are honest and grateful they will recognize all the people who helped them along the way. 

Now I want to wrap everything together for you. 

The illusion of choice is prevalent in achieving excellence in life. 

But do not be fooled. 

It takes a team to achieve great things. 

You will not make it if you’re trying to go alone. 

  1. Start with a vision, a dream, a goal.

  2. Tell people about it, speak about it, out loud.

  3. Crystallize it.

  4. Ask trusted people to keep you accountable.

(People who are supportive and want you to do well in life.)

Trust and accountability go a long way in achieving your goals. 




Pursuing Perfect #7: Don’t change… LEARN.


Pursuing Perfect #5: FAILURE, FEAR, and FAITH. And why we need all 3 to win.